Also big fan of the format xx great for catching up on new releases on my lunch break!

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I love the Versed Doctor's Visit Peel and this review of the makeup line is making me feel things... Stephanie stooop you're enabling me 😩💀

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I've always been so impressed with Versed, and this line is great addition to their skincare

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I LOVED those old school Urban Decay blushes. Bittersweet (a purple—yes even way back in the day!) and Quiver (a warm red) were my go-tos. I was devastated when they were discontinued and my powders were so old they stopped performing. 😢

Candy Glaze is a favorite formula of mine and I recently bought 44 and 16. I LOVE LOVE 16 so much. It’s the shade I was waiting for in that formula!!

I’m happy to explore powder blushes now, but I insist on good shades and formulas or I will not bite!

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omg I remember the the previous version even before the square blushes! They were always such groundbreakers in the space (not so sure about that now, though.) So glad you're loving 16 too! I'm already wearing mine so much.

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Appreciate your thoughts on the new Versed line, I look forward to trying Brownstone!

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I feel like you would really like that one! I'm also so interested in some of their other products.

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I don't mind the resurgence of powder blushes, always love a little bit of both.

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I love that you have more options to pick from! do you have one that you like from the newer launches?

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I’m so excited for the YSL blush! It looks so promising.

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